7 Tips to Increase Your Sales for Black Friday on Amazon

Hi there SellerLegend heroes! Our servers and systems are warming up to capture your sales data for this upcoming Black Friday, which is right around the corner. Are you ready for a huge consumer surge? As we all know, the last quarter of the year is the biggest money-making period for Amazon sellers, and it starts with Black Friday, which this year falls on November 27th and lasts for a couple of weeks after.

Yes, yes, yes the COVID-19 pandemic affects every aspect of our lives, as well as global retail e-commerce sales which will, according to eMarketer forecasts, decelerate to a 16.5% growth rate in 2020 (down from 20.2% last year).

Even so, Amazon has hired an additional 100,000 employees so they can keep up with high demands. With that in mind, if you haven’t already, get ready for the busiest shopping day!

We bring you, straight to the core, some practical tips on how to become a legendary Black Friday seller and to harvest all the advantages of the best-selling Amazon season.


First of all, remember now is not the time to test new products. Instead, use our software to analyze sales data for the last year or more. Which products are the best sellers? Which customers are the biggest consumers and which products do they use most often? If you know the answers to these questions, it will be easier for you to make promotion decisions such as on which product to invest more. We know that testing each product takes a lot of time, so make sure you take advantage of our sales reports and let SellerLegend do the heavy lifting for you!


Make sure you have enough stock to satisfy your expected demand. While it may seem like a tedious job, inventory monitoring is extremely important. Nobody wants to disappoint potential customers and just run out of their desired products at the worst possible time. To minimise these undesirable scenarios, remember that SellerLegend can at any time give you the state of your inventory and as you all know, we are currently working diligently on beta testing our new Supply Chain Management tools, so stay tuned for our future announcement. No worries, it’s coming real soon!


Always play the free-shipping card. Customers expect lower prices and free-shipping to feel they have seized the right opportunity. Give it to them! Remember, on Black Friday customers typically make impulse decisions and will vote with their feet (and wallet) if you add delivery costs to the cost of the product. As always, it’s recommended to have your products stored in FBA to keep that sweet and charming “Prime” tag on your product and ensure your ‘prime’ customers are getting free shipping.


If you meet the conditions, create package offers. Significantly improve your chances of selling by connecting related products and offer your customers a bundle. Basically, if you have some add-on products that complement the main product, create a package deal. The increased unit sales could even compensate for some of the discounts you have offered. This is a great way to increase ranking and sales for more products and it is best utilized if you have your own mailing list or social media followers - simply send them a special offer to redeem on Amazon when they add both products to their cart.


Make sure your product is visible - advertise on Amazon before, during, and after Black Friday. Prepare your ads and budget in advance and pay attention to keyword and image and video optimizations to get as many conversions as possible with your PPC campaigns. Don't forget to track your campaigns with our robust SellerLegend ad reporting tools.


Stand out and reach for your customers on social media. Find out which social network is most effective for your business, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, or Instagram, and promote yourself regularly.


Due to the significant increase in sales volume onBlack Friday, even minor errors can affect your revenue, so carefully prepare systems and staff. Also, always check customer feedback, respond to them quickly and become the legendary king of Amazon sales.

Tell me, when was the last time you rediscovered something that made you happy? 

We wish you an amazing selling experience and want to remind you that we are always here to support you in your data analysis. Make sure you make our servers sweat on Black Friday, we are ready for it!

If you have used SellerLegend before, you’re in for a treat. If not, head over to SellerLegend.com to take our system for a test drive, absolutely free! Click here to join! And if you would like to share your own thoughts and tips for Black Friday, join our discussion on our Facebook page by clicking HERE.

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